Church Sermons

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Title Speaker Date Duration Series Hits
when lord Sat, 13-11-2021 22:04 Christian Family 671
High Priest of Good Things to Come Sat, 13-11-2021 21:05 Church's Holly Masses 391
Ask, and you will receive Sat, 13-11-2021 14:59 Church's Holly Masses 304
Servant and self-denial Fri, 12-11-2021 35:11 Service 725
Fathers of the Councils Fri, 12-11-2021 12:22 Church's Holly Masses 323
the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it Fri, 12-11-2021 16:48 Church's Holly Masses 352
Constancy in faith with the resolve of the heart Fri, 12-11-2021 17:30 Church's Holly Masses 322
The sincere mercies of David Thu, 11-11-2021 20:40 Church's Holly Masses 333
Lessons in wisdom, part eleven Wed, 10-11-2021 34:09 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 311
Zephaniah 3 part 2 Tue, 09-11-2021 41:43 General Topics 579
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Sixty Seven Tue, 09-11-2021 06:27 from the treasures of the Bible program 354
Contentment Mon, 08-11-2021 37:07 Ladies 451
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Sixty Six Mon, 08-11-2021 08:52 from the treasures of the Bible program 409
The procession of life and the procession of death Sun, 07-11-2021 11:55 Church's Holly Masses 288
distress Sun, 07-11-2021 29:36 Sermons events 741
I say to you, arise Sun, 07-11-2021 14:18 Church's Holly Masses 431
son of the widow of Nain Sun, 07-11-2021 15:46 Church's Holly Masses 313
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Sixty-fifth Sun, 07-11-2021 09:04 from the treasures of the Bible program 282
Walking on sea of temptation Sat, 06-11-2021 32:55 Christian Family 902
Peacekeeping Sat, 06-11-2021 17:44 Church's Holly Masses 1117
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Sixty-Four Sat, 06-11-2021 05:23 from the treasures of the Bible program 416
The key to understanding the Old Testament Fri, 05-11-2021 01:04:45 Married 427
Devil's joy Fri, 05-11-2021 45:51 Sakhra 622
Pope Kyrollos IV, the father of reform Fri, 05-11-2021 27:30 Service 346
reasons for joy Fri, 05-11-2021 14:48 Church's Holly Masses 327
your names are written in heaven Fri, 05-11-2021 06:57 Church's Holly Masses 273
Thine is the power Fri, 05-11-2021 17:43 Church's Holly Masses 330
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Sixty-Three Fri, 05-11-2021 06:53 from the treasures of the Bible program 401
Communicating with God Fri, 05-11-2021 39:41 Karma 664
agent of injustice Thu, 04-11-2021 18:23 Church's Holly Masses 207
From the Treasures of the Bible, episode one hundred and sixty-second Thu, 04-11-2021 06:12 from the treasures of the Bible program 190
Lessons in wisdom, part ten Wed, 03-11-2021 26:42 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 306
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Sixty-first Wed, 03-11-2021 08:03 from the treasures of the Bible program 220
Zephaniah 3 Tue, 02-11-2021 40:02 Archangel Mikhael 370
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Sixty Tue, 02-11-2021 07:33 from the treasures of the Bible program 180
out of the strong came something sweet Mon, 01-11-2021 35:04 Ladies 471
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Fifty-Nin Mon, 01-11-2021 07:33 from the treasures of the Bible program 314
Introduction to explain the lifting of an eve Sun, 31-10-2021 35:13 Sermons events 606
he who does not gather with Me scatters Sun, 31-10-2021 17:10 Church's Holly Masses 432
The authority of Christ over the kingdom of Satan Sun, 31-10-2021 18:17 Church's Holly Masses 576
Healing a blind and dumb madman Sun, 31-10-2021 09:36 Church's Holly Masses 670
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Fifty Eight Sun, 31-10-2021 06:09 from the treasures of the Bible program 417
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode One Hundred and Fifty Seven Sat, 30-10-2021 07:52 from the treasures of the Bible program 485
how to be beautiful yourself Sat, 30-10-2021 20:14 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 522
Devil's war Sat, 30-10-2021 46:59 Christian Family 452
Partner in future glory Sat, 30-10-2021 07:50 Church's Holly Masses 512
The name of the Lord is great and awesome Sat, 30-10-2021 21:18 Church's Holly Masses 506
Nobody loves me Fri, 29-10-2021 34:19 Sakhra 647
The dual service of Moses the Prophet and Aaron the Prophet Fri, 29-10-2021 39:22 Service 370
Sanctify the Lord in your hearts Fri, 29-10-2021 11:22 Church's Holly Masses 535