Church Sermons

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Title Speaker Date Duration Series Hits
God man Wed, 25-08-2021 45:09 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 319
To You, O Lord Wed, 25-08-2021 11:20 Reflections on early prayer 389
from the treasures of the Bible Episode Ninety-first Wed, 25-08-2021 04:14 from the treasures of the Bible program 368
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Ninety Tue, 24-08-2021 04:07 from the treasures of the Bible program 433
The Most Generous Patron Mon, 23-08-2021 04:15 Sermons events 431
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Nine Mon, 23-08-2021 05:13 from the treasures of the Bible program 437
The virtue of submission in the life of the Virgin Mary Sun, 22-08-2021 22:21 Sermons events 419
whoever does the will of God Sun, 22-08-2021 25:49 Sermons events 473
Virgin delivery life Sun, 22-08-2021 13:34 Sermons events 406
The heavens declare Sun, 22-08-2021 06:38 Reflections on early prayer 346
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Eight Sun, 22-08-2021 05:15 from the treasures of the Bible program 343
overcome evil with good Sat, 21-08-2021 43:36 from the treasures of the Bible program 408
Attributes of the sons of light Sat, 21-08-2021 13:10 Church's Holly Masses 423
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Seven Sat, 21-08-2021 04:15 from the treasures of the Bible program 406
Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath Fri, 20-08-2021 32:50 Renaissance 541
the shepherd who conquered Fri, 20-08-2021 48:50 Service 438
I am the door of the sheep Fri, 20-08-2021 17:11 Church's Holly Masses 346
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Six Fri, 20-08-2021 04:36 from the treasures of the Bible program 314
Do not be wise in your own opinion Thu, 19-08-2021 48:00 Renaissance 689
transfiguration Thu, 19-08-2021 20:10 Sermons events 667
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Five Thu, 19-08-2021 04:51 from the treasures of the Bible program 427
The Mother of Light surpassed the heavenly and the earthly Thu, 19-08-2021 05:25 Program mother of my Lord 585
The message of joy, part nine Wed, 18-08-2021 43:48 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 650
one attention Wed, 18-08-2021 51:35 Renaissance 531
Keep me, O Lord Wed, 18-08-2021 08:44 Reflections on early prayer 512
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Four Wed, 18-08-2021 03:49 from the treasures of the Bible program 767
bless and do not curse Tue, 17-08-2021 45:36 Renaissance 1050
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Three Tue, 17-08-2021 03:55 from the treasures of the Bible program 514
given to hospitality Mon, 16-08-2021 39:22 Renaissance 508
the chaste and undefiled Mon, 16-08-2021 06:04 Program mother of my Lord 809
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-Second Mon, 16-08-2021 03:49 from the treasures of the Bible program 395
rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation Sun, 15-08-2021 43:39 Renaissance 490
obedience is love Sun, 15-08-2021 19:49 Church's Holly Masses 525
We follow you with all our hearts Sun, 15-08-2021 10:31 Church's Holly Masses 442
Lord, who may abide Sun, 15-08-2021 07:35 Reflections on early prayer 487
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Eighty-first Sun, 15-08-2021 05:02 from the treasures of the Bible program 445
Opportunity to review Sun, 15-08-2021 32:27 Pope Tawdroes II Weekly Lecture 193
continuing steadfastly in prayer Sat, 14-08-2021 57:56 Renaissance 359
Virgin Mary Sat, 14-08-2021 10:59 Church's Holly Masses 305
the agreement Sat, 14-08-2021 07:13 Church's Holly Masses 508
From Treasures of the Bible Episode Eighty Sat, 14-08-2021 03:57 from the treasures of the Bible program 302
fervent in spirit Fri, 13-08-2021 22:12 Renaissance 485
Virgin Mary in Coptic rite Fri, 13-08-2021 44:58 Service 537
alabaster smell Fri, 13-08-2021 20:12 Church's Holly Masses 450
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Seventy-Nine Fri, 13-08-2021 05:11 from the treasures of the Bible program 449
Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love Thu, 12-08-2021 36:48 Renaissance 633
Oil and lamps Thu, 12-08-2021 14:47 Church's Holly Masses 377
The Virgin is the joy of generations Thu, 12-08-2021 05:41 Program mother of my Lord 454
From the Treasures of the Bible, Episode Seventy eight Thu, 12-08-2021 04:54 from the treasures of the Bible program 422
The message of joy, part eight Wed, 11-08-2021 45:56 المحاضرة الأسبوعية لقداسة البابا تواضروس الثاني 465