6 |
الرسل 6 |
1 Now in those
days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a
complaint against the Hebrews by the Hellenists,* because their widows were
neglected in the daily distribution. |
1 وَفِي تِلْكَ الأَيَّامِ إِذْ تَكَاثَرَ
التَّلاَمِيذُ حَدَثَ تَذَمُّرٌ مِنَ الْيُونَانِيِّينَ عَلَى الْعِبْرَانِيِّينَ
أَنَّ أَرَامِلَهُمْ كُنَّ يُغْفَلُ عَنْهُنَّ فِي الْخِدْمَةِ الْيَوْمِيَّةِ. |
2 Then the twelve summoned the multitude
of the disciples and said, "It is not desirable that we should leave the
word of God and serve tables. |
2 فَدَعَا الاِثْنَا
عَشَرَ جُمْهُورَ التَّلاَمِيذِ وَقَالُوا: «لاَ يُرْضِي أَنْ نَتْرُكَ نَحْنُ كَلِمَةَ
اللهِ وَنَخْدِمَ مَوَائِدَ. |
Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good
reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this
business; |
3 فَانْتَخِبُوا أَيُّهَا
الإِخْوَةُ سَبْعَةَ رِجَالٍ مِنْكُمْ مَشْهُوداً لَهُمْ وَمَمْلُوِّينَ مِنَ الرُّوحِ
الْقُدُسِ وَحِكْمَةٍ فَنُقِيمَهُمْ عَلَى هَذِهِ الْحَاجَةِ. |
4 but we will give ourselves
continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word." |
4 وَأَمَّا نَحْنُ
فَنُواظِبُ عَلَى الصَّلاَةِ وَخِدْمَةِ الْكَلِمَةِ». |
5 And the saying pleased the whole
multitude. And they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit,
and Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor,
Timon, Parmenas, and
Nicolas, a proselyte from Antioch, |
5 فَحَسُنَ هَذَا
الْقَوْلُ أَمَامَ كُلِّ الْجُمْهُورِ فَاخْتَارُوا اسْتِفَانُوسَ رَجُلاً مَمْلُوّاً
مِنَ الإِيمَانِ وَالرُّوحِ الْقُدُسِ وَفِيلُبُّسَ وَبُرُوخُورُسَ وَنِيكَانُورَ
وَتِيمُونَ وَبَرْمِينَاسَ وَنِيقُولاَوُسَ دَخِيلاً أَنْطَاكِيّاً. |
6 whom they set before the apostles; and
when they had prayed, they laid hands on them. |
6 اَلَّذِينَ أَقَامُوهُمْ
أَمَامَ الرُّسُلِ فَصَلُّوا وَوَضَعُوا عَلَيْهِمِ الأَيَادِيَ. |
7 Then the word of God spread, and the
number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of
the priests were obedient to the faith. |
7 وَكَانَتْ كَلِمَةُ
اللهِ تَنْمُو وَعَدَدُ التَّلاَمِيذِ يَتَكَاثَرُ جِدّاً فِي أُورُشَلِيمَ وَجُمْهُورٌ
كَثِيرٌ مِنَ الْكَهَنَةِ يُطِيعُونَ الإِيمَانَ. |
8 And Stephen, full of faith and power,
did great wonders and signs among the people. |
8 وَأَمَّا اسْتِفَانُوسُ
فَإِذْ كَانَ مَمْلُوّاً إِيمَاناً وَقُوَّةً كَانَ يَصْنَعُ عَجَائِبَ وَآيَاتٍ
عَظِيمَةً فِي الشَّعْبِ. |
9 Then there arose some from what is
called the Synagogue of the Freedmen (Cyrenians,
Alexandrians, and those from Cilicia and Asia), disputing with Stephen. |
9 فَنَهَضَ قَوْمٌ
مِنَ الْمَجْمَعِ الَّذِي يُقَالُ لَهُ مَجْمَعُ اللِّيبَرْتِينِيِّينَ وَالْقَيْرَوَانِيِّينَ
وَالإِسْكَنْدَرِيِّينَ وَمِنَ الَّذِينَ مِنْ كِيلِيكِيَّا وَأَسِيَّا يُحَاوِرُونَ
اسْتِفَانُوسَ. |
10 And they were not able to resist the
wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke. |
10 وَلَمْ يَقْدِرُوا
أَنْ يُقَاوِمُوا الْحِكْمَةَ وَالرُّوحَ الَّذِي كَانَ يَتَكَلَّمُ بِهِ. |
11 Then they secretly induced men to say,
"We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God." |
11 حِينَئِذٍ دَسُّوا
لِرِجَالٍ يَقُولُونَ: «إِنَّنَا سَمِعْنَاهُ يَتَكَلَّمُ بِكَلاَمِ تَجْدِيفٍ عَلَى
مُوسَى وَعَلَى اللهِ». |
12 And they stirred up the people, the
elders, and the scribes; and they came upon him, seized him, and brought him
to the council. |
12 وَهَيَّجُوا الشَّعْبَ وَالشُّيُوخَ وَالْكَتَبَةَ
فَقَامُوا وَخَطَفُوهُ وَأَتَوْا بِهِ إِلَى الْمَجْمَعِ |
They also set up false witnesses who said, "This man does not
cease to speak blasphemous
words against this holy place and the law; |
13 وَأَقَامُوا شُهُوداً كَذَبَةً يَقُولُونَ: «هَذَا
الرَّجُلُ لاَ يَفْتُرُ عَنْ أَنْ يَتَكَلَّمَ تَجْدِيفاً ضِدَّ هَذَا الْمَوْضِعِ
الْمُقَدَّسِ وَالنَّامُوسِ |
14 for we have heard him say that this
Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs which Moses
delivered to us." |
14 لأَنَّنَا سَمِعْنَاهُ
يَقُولُ: إِنَّ يَسُوعَ النَّاصِرِيَّ هَذَا سَيَنْقُضُ هَذَا الْمَوْضِعَ وَيُغَيِّرُ
الْعَوَائِدَ الَّتِي سَلَّمَنَا إِيَّاهَا مُوسَى». |
15 And all who sat in the council,
looking steadfastly at him, saw his face as the face of an angel. |
15 فَشَخَصَ إِلَيْهِ
جَمِيعُ الْجَالِسِينَ فِي الْمَجْمَعِ وَرَأَوْا وَجْهَهُ كَأَنَّهُ وَجْهُ مَلاَكٍ. |