1 And when all the army heard that Holofernes was beheaded, courage and counsel fled from
them, and being seized with trembling and fear they thought only to save
themselves by flight:
2 So that no
one spoke to his neighbor, but hanging down the head, leaving all things
behind, they made haste to escape from the Hebrews, who, as they heard, were
coming armed upon them, and fled by the ways of the fields, and the paths of
the hills.
3 So the
children of Israel seeing them fleeing, followed after them. And they went
down sounding with trumpets and shouting after them.
4 And
because the Assyrians were not united together, they went without order in
their flight ; but the children of Israel pursuing in one body, defeated all
that they could find.
5 And Ozias sent messengers through all the cities and
countries of Israel.
6 And
every country, and every city, sent their chosen young men armed after them,
and they pursued them with the edge of the sword until they came to the
extremities of their confines.
7 And the
rest that were in Bethulia went into the camp of
the Assyrians, and took away the spoils, which the Assyrians in their flight
had left behind them, and they were laden exceedingly.
8 But they
that returned conquerors to Bethulia, brought with
them all things that were theirs, so that there was no numbering of their
cattle, and beasts, and all their moveables,
insomuch that from the least to the greatest all were made rich by their
9 And
Joachim the high priest came from Jerusalem to Bethulia
with all his ancients to see Judith.
10 And when
she was come out to him, they all blessed her with one voice, saying: Thou
art the glory of Jerusalem, thou art the joy of Israel, thou art the honour of our people:
11 For thou
hast done manfully, and thy heart has been strengthened, because thou hast
loved chastity, and after thy husband hast not known any other: therefore
also the hand of the Lord hath strengthened thee, and therefore thou shalt be blessed for ever.
12 And all
the people said: So be it, so be it
13 And
thirty days were scarce sufficient for the people of Israel to gather up the
spoils of the Assyrians.
14 But all
those things that were proved to be the peculiar goods of Holofernes,
they gave to Judith in gold, and silver, and garments and precious stones,
and all household stuff, and they all were delivered to her by the people.
15 And all
the people rejoiced, with the women, and virgins, and young men, playing on
instruments and harps.
1- و لما سمع كل الجيش ان
اليفانا قد قطع راسه طارت عقولهم و مشورتهم و لم يعودوا يبالون الا بالخوف و
الرعب فاستنجدوا بالهزيمة.
2- و لم يكلم احد صاحبه بل طاطا كل منهم راسه
و تركوا كل شيء و كانوا يسارعون لينجوا من العبرانيين الذين سمعوهم اتين عليهم
بسلاحهم فهربوا في طرق الصحراء و شعاب التلال.
3- فلما راهم بنو اسرائيل هاربين سعوا على
اعقابهم و نزلوا و هم يهتفون بالابواق مجلبين وراءهم.
4- و كان الاشوريون متبددين و هم
مندفعون في هزيمتهم و بنو اسرائيل صبة واحدة في اثارهم فاهلكوا كل من ادركوه.
5- و ارسل عزيا رسلا الى جميع مدن و نواحي
6- فكل بلدة و مدينة ارسلت في اثرهم شبانا
منتخبين مدججين في السلاح فطردوهم بحد السيف الى ان بلغوا الى اخر تخمهم.
7- و دخل بقية سكان بيت فلوى محلة اشور فاخذوا
كل ما تركه الاشوريون عندما هربوا و كان شيئا كثيرا.
8- و الذين رجعوا الى بيت فلوى منصورين جاءوا
بجميع اموالهم حتى كانت المواشي و البهائم و جميع اثاثهم بلا عدد فاثروا جميعهم
من صغيرهم الى كبيرهم من غنيمتهم.
9- و اتى يوياقيم الكاهن العظيم من اورشليم
الى بيت فلوى مع جميع شيوخه ليرى يهوديت.
10- فلما خرجت اليه باركوها كلهم بصوت واحد
قائلين انت مجد اورشليم و فرح اسرائيل و فخر شعبنا.
11- فانك قد صنعت بباس و ثبت قلبك فاحببت
العفاف و لم تعرفي رجلا بعد رجلك فلهذا ايدتك يد الرب فكوني مباركة الى الابد.
12- فقال جميع الشعب امين امين.
13- و لم يكد شعب اسرائيل في
ثلاثين يوما يجمعون غنيمة الاشوريين.
14- و كل ما تبين انه كان من خواص اليفانا
دفعوه الى يهوديت من ذهب و فضة و ثياب و جواهر و امتعة كل هذه اعطاها لها الشعب.
15- و كان جميع الشعب يفرحون مع النساء و
العذارى و الشبان بالاعواد و القياثير