106 |
المئة و السادس |
1 Praise the Lord!
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. |
1 هَلِّلُويَا. احْمَدُوا الرَّبَّ
لأَنَّهُ صَالِحٌ لأَنَّ إِلَى الأَبَدِ رَحْمَتَهُ. |
2 Who can utter the mighty acts of the
Lord? Who can declare all His praise? |
2 مَنْ
يَتَكَلَّمُ بِجَبَرُوتِ الرَّبِّ؟ مَنْ يُخْبِرُ بِكُلِّ تَسَابِيحِهِ؟ |
Blessed are those
who keep justice, And he who does righteousness at all times! |
3 طُوبَى لِلْحَافِظِينَ
الْحَقَّ وَلِلصَّانِعِ الْبِرَّ فِي كُلِّ حِينٍ. |
Remember me, O Lord, with the favor You have toward Your people; Oh,
visit me with Your salvation, |
4 اذْكُرْنِي يَا
رَبُّ بِرِضَا شَعْبِكَ. تَعَهَّدْنِي بِخَلاَصِكَ |
5 That I may see the benefit of Your
chosen ones, That I may rejoice in the gladness of Your nation, That I may
glory with Your inheritance. |
5 لأَرَى خَيْرَ
مُخْتَارِيكَ. لأَفْرَحَ بِفَرَحِ أُمَّتِكَ. لأَفْتَخِرَ مَعَ مِيرَاثِكَ. |
6 We have sinned with our fathers, We
have committed iniquity, We have done wickedly. |
6 أَخْطَأْنَا مَعَ آبَائِنَا. أَسَأْنَا
وَأَذْنَبْنَا. |
7 Our fathers in Egypt did not
understand Your wonders; They did not remember the multitude of Your mercies,
But rebelled by the sea--the Red Sea. |
7 آبَاؤُنَا فِي
مِصْرَ لَمْ يَفْهَمُوا عَجَائِبَكَ. لَمْ يَذْكُرُوا كَثْرَةَ مَرَاحِمِكَ
فَتَمَرَّدُوا عِنْدَ الْبَحْرِ عِنْدَ بَحْرِ سُوفٍ. |
Nevertheless He saved them for His name's sake, That He might make His mighty
power known. |
8 فَخَلَّصَهُمْ
مِنْ أَجْلِ اسْمِهِ لِيُعَرِّفَ بِجَبَرُوتِهِ. |
9 He rebuked the Red Sea also, and it
dried up; So He led them through the depths, As through the wilderness. |
9 وَانْتَهَرَ
بَحْرَ سُوفٍ فَيَبِسَ وَسَيَّرَهُمْ فِي اللُّجَجِ كَالْبَرِّيَّةِ. |
10 He saved them from the hand of him
who hated them, And redeemed them from the hand of the enemy. |
10 وَخَلَّصَهُمْ
مِنْ يَدِ الْمُبْغِضِ وَفَدَاهُمْ مِنْ يَدِ الْعَدُوِّ. |
11 The waters covered their enemies;
There was not one of them left. |
11 وَغَطَّتِ
الْمِيَاهُ مُضَايِقِيهِمْ. وَاحِدٌ مِنْهُمْ لَمْ يَبْقَ. |
12 Then they believed His words; They
sang His praise. |
12 فَآمَنُوا
بِكَلاَمِهِ. غَنُّوا بِتَسْبِيحِهِ. |
They soon forgot His works; They did not wait for His counsel, |
13 أَسْرَعُوا
فَنَسُوا أَعْمَالَهُ. لَمْ يَنْتَظِرُوا مَشُورَتَهُ. |
14 But lusted exceedingly in the
wilderness, And tested God in the desert. |
14 بَلِ اشْتَهُوا
شَهْوَةً فِي الْبَرِّيَّةِ وَجَرَّبُوا اللهَ فِي الْقَفْرِ. |
15 And He gave them their request, But
sent leanness into their soul. |
15 فَأَعْطَاهُمْ
سُؤْلَهُمْ وَأَرْسَلَ هُزَالاً فِي أَنْفُسِهِمْ. |
When they envied Moses in the camp, And Aaron the saint of the Lord, |
16 وَحَسَدُوا
مُوسَى فِي الْمَحَلَّةِ وَهَارُونَ قُدُّوسَ الرَّبِّ. |
17 The earth opened up and swallowed Dathan, And covered the faction of Abiram.
17 فَتَحَتِ الأَرْضُ وَابْتَلَعَتْ دَاثَانَ
وَطَبَقَتْ عَلَى جَمَاعَةِ أَبِيرَامَ |
18 A fire was kindled in their
company; The flame burned up the wicked. |
18 وَاشْتَعَلَتْ
نَارٌ فِي جَمَاعَتِهِمْ. اللهِيبُ أَحْرَقَ الأَشْرَارَ. |
19 They made a calf in Horeb, And worshiped the molded image. |
19 صَنَعُوا عِجْلاً فِي حُورِيبَ وَسَجَدُوا
لِتِمْثَالٍ مَسْبُوكٍ |
20 Thus they changed their glory Into the
image of an ox that eats grass. |
20 وَأَبْدَلُوا
مَجْدَهُمْ بِمِثَالِ ثَوْرٍ آكِلِ عُشْبٍ. |
They forgot God their Savior, Who had done great things in Egypt, |
21 نَسُوا اللهَ مُخَلِّصَهُمُ الصَّانِعَ
عَظَائِمَ فِي مِصْرَ |
22 Wondrous works in the land of Ham, Awesome
things by the Red Sea. |
22 وَعَجَائِبَ فِي أَرْضِ حَامٍ وَمَخَاوِفَ
عَلَى بَحْرِ سُوفٍ |
Therefore He said that
He would destroy them, Had not Moses His chosen one stood before Him in the
breach, To turn away His wrath, lest He destroy them. |
23 فَقَالَ
بِإِهْلاَكِهِمْ. لَوْلاَ مُوسَى مُخْتَارُهُ وَقَفَ فِي الثَّغْرِ قُدَّامَهُ
لِيَصْرِفَ غَضَبَهُ عَنْ إِتْلاَفِهِمْ. |
Then they despised the pleasant land; They did not believe His word, |
24 وَرَذَلُوا
الأَرْضَ الشَّهِيَّةَ. لَمْ يُؤْمِنُوا بِكَلِمَتِهِ. |
25 But complained in their tents, And
did not heed the voice of the Lord. |
25 بَلْ
تَمَرْمَرُوا فِي خِيَامِهِمْ. لَمْ يَسْمَعُوا لِصَوْتِ الرَّبِّ |
Therefore He raised up His hand in an oath against them, To overthrow
them in the wilderness, |
26 فَرَفَعَ يَدَهُ عَلَيْهِمْ لِيُسْقِطَهُمْ فِي
الْبَرِّيَّةِ |
27 To overthrow their descendants among
the nations, And to scatter them in the lands. |
27 وَلِيُسْقِطَ نَسْلَهُمْ بَيْنَ الأُمَمِ
وَلِيُبَدِّدَهُمْ فِي الأَرَاضِي. |
28 They joined themselves also to Baal of
Peor, And ate sacrifices made to the dead. |
28 وَتَعَلَّقُوا بِبَعْلِ فَغُورَ وَأَكَلُوا
ذَبَائِحَ الْمَوْتَى. |
29 Thus they provoked Him to anger with
their deeds, And the plague broke out among them. |
29 وَأَغَاظُوهُ
بِأَعْمَالِهِمْ فَاقْتَحَمَهُمُ الْوَبَأُ. |
30 Then Phinehas
stood up and intervened, And the plague was stopped. |
30 فَوَقَفَ
فِينَحَاسُ وَدَانَ فَامْتَنَعَ الْوَبَأُ. |
31 And that was accounted to him for
righteousness To all generations forevermore. |
31 فَحُسِبَ لَهُ
ذَلِكَ بِرّاً إِلَى دَوْرٍ فَدَوْرٍ إِلَى الأَبَدِ. |
They angered Him also at the waters of strife, So that it went ill
with Moses on account of them; |
32 وَأَسْخَطُوهُ
عَلَى مَاءِ مَرِيبَةَ حَتَّى تَأَذَّى مُوسَى بِسَبَبِهِمْ. |
33 Because they rebelled against His Spirit,
So that he spoke rashly with his lips. |
33 لأَنَّهُمْ
أَمَرُّوا رُوحَهُ حَتَّى فَرَطَ بِشَفَتَيْهِ. |
They did not destroy the peoples, Concerning whom the Lord had
commanded them, |
34 لَمْ يَسْتَأْصِلُوا الأُمَمَ الَّذِينَ قَالَ
لَهُمُ الرَّبُّ عَنْهُمْ |
But they mingled with the Gentiles And learned their works; |
35 بَلِ اخْتَلَطُوا بِالأُمَمِ وَتَعَلَّمُوا
أَعْمَالَهُمْ |
36 They served their idols, Which became
a snare to them. |
36 وَعَبَدُوا
أَصْنَامَهُمْ فَصَارَتْ لَهُمْ شَرَكاً. |
They even sacrificed their sons And their daughters to demons, |
37 وَذَبَحُوا بَنِيهِمْ وَبَنَاتِهِمْ
لِلأَوْثَانِ |
38 And shed innocent blood, The blood of
their sons and daughters, Whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; And
the land was polluted with blood. |
38 وَأَهْرَقُوا دَماً زَكِيّاً دَمَ بَنِيهِمْ
وَبَنَاتِهِمِ الَّذِينَ ذَبَحُوهُمْ لأَصْنَامِ كَنْعَانَ وَتَدَنَّسَتِ
الأَرْضُ بِالدِّمَاءِ |
39 Thus they were defiled by their own
works, And played the harlot by their own deeds. |
39 وَتَنَجَّسُوا
بِأَعْمَالِهِمْ وَزَنُوا بِأَفْعَالِهِمْ. |
Therefore the wrath of
the Lord was kindled against His people, So that He abhorred His own
inheritance. |
40 فَحَمِيَ غَضَبُ الرَّبِّ عَلَى شَعْبِهِ
وَكَرِهَ مِيرَاثَهُ |
41 And He gave them into the hand of the
Gentiles, And those who hated them ruled over them. |
41 وَأَسْلَمَهُمْ
لِيَدِ الأُمَمِ وَتَسَلَّطَ عَلَيْهِمْ مُبْغِضُوهُمْ. |
42 Their enemies also oppressed them, And
they were brought into subjection under their hand. |
42 وَضَغَطَهُمْ أَعْدَاؤُهُمْ فَذَلُّوا تَحْتَ
يَدِهِمْ |
43 Many times He delivered them; But they
rebelled in their counsel, And were brought low for their iniquity. |
43 مَرَّاتٍ
كَثِيرَةً أَنْقَذَهُمْ. أَمَّا هُمْ فَعَصُوهُ بِمَشُورَتِهِمْ وَانْحَطُّوا
بِإِثْمِهِمْ. |
Nevertheless He regarded their affliction, When He heard their cry; |
44 فَنَظَرَ إِلَى ضِيقِهِمْ إِذْ سَمِعَ
صُرَاخَهُمْ |
45 And for their sake He remembered His
covenant, And relented according to the multitude of His mercies. |
45 وَذَكَرَ
لَهُمْ عَهْدَهُ وَنَدِمَ حَسَبَ كَثْرَةِ رَحْمَتِهِ. |
46 He also made them to be pitied By
all those who carried them away captive. |
46 وَأَعْطَاهُمْ
نِعْمَةً قُدَّامَ كُلِّ الَّذِينَ سَبُوهُمْ. |
47 Save us, O Lord our God, And gather us
from among the Gentiles, To give thanks to Your holy name, To triumph in Your
praise. |
47 خَلِّصْنَا
أَيُّهَا الرَّبُّ إِلَهُنَا وَاجْمَعْنَا مِنْ بَيْنِ الأُمَمِ لِنَحْمَدَ
اسْمَ قُدْسِكَ وَنَتَفَاخَرَ بِتَسْبِيحِكَ. |
Blessed be the Lord
God of Israel From everlasting to everlasting! And let all the people say,
"Amen!" Praise the Lord! |
48 مُبَارَكٌ
الرَّبُّ إِلَهُ إِسْرَائِيلَ مِنَ الأَزَلِ وَإِلَى الأَبَدِ. وَيَقُولُ كُلُّ
الشَّعْبِ: [آمِينَ]. هَلِّلُويَا. |