1 But the souls of the just are in the hand
of God, and the torment of death shall not touch them.
2 In the sight of the unwise they seemed to
die: and their departure was taken for misery:
3 And their going away from us, for utter
destruction: but they are in peace.
4 And though in the sight of men they
suffered torments, their hope is full of immortality.
5 Afflicted in few things, in many they shall be
well rewarded: because God hath tried them, and found them worthy of himself.
6 As gold in the furnace he hath proved
them, and as a victim of a holocaust he hath received them, and in time there
shall be respect had to them.
7 The just shall shine, and shall run to and
fro like sparks among the reeds.
8 They shall judge nations, and rule over
people, and their Lord shall reign for ever.
9 They that trust in him, shall understand the
truth: and they that are faithful in love shall rest in him: for grace and
peace is to his elect.
10 But the wicked shall be punished according
to their own devices: who have neglected the just, and have revolted from the
11 For he that rejecteth
wisdom, and discipline, is unhappy: and their hope is vain, and their labours without fruit, and their works unprofitable.
12 Their wives are foolish, and their children
13 Their offspring is cursed: for happy is the
barren: and the undefiled, that hath not known bed in sin: she shall have
fruit in the visitation of holy souls.
14 And the eunuch, that hath not wrought
iniquity with his hands, nor thought wicked things against God: for the
precious gift of faith shall be given to him, and a most acceptable lot in
the temple of God.
15 For the fruit of good labours
is glorious, and the root of wisdom never faileth.
16 But the children of adulterers shall not
come to perfection, and the seed of the unlawful bed shall be rooted out.
17 And if they live long, they shall be
nothing regarded, and their last old age shall be without honour.
18 And if they die quickly, they shall have no
hope, nor speech of comfort in the day of trial.
19 For dreadful are the ends of a wicked race.
1- اما نفوس الصديقين فهي بيد
الله فلا يمسها العذاب.
2- و في ظن الجهال انهم ماتوا و قد حسب خروجهم
3- و ذهابهم عنا عطبا اما هم ففي السلام.
4- و مع انهم قد عوقبوا في عيون الناس فرجاؤهم
مملوء خلودا.
5- و بعد تاديب يسير لهم ثواب عظيم لان الله
امتحنهم فوجدهم اهلا له.
6- محصهم كالذهب في البودقة و قبلهم كذبيحة
7- فهم في وقت افتقادهم يتلالاون و يسعون سعي
الشرار بين القصب.
8- و يدينون الامم و يتسلطون على الشعوب و
يملك ربهم الى الابد.
9- المتوكلون عليه سيفهمون الحق و الامناء في
المحبة سيلازمونه لان النعمة و الرحمة لمختاريه.
10- اما المنافقون فسينالهم
العقاب الخليق بمشوراتهم اذ استهانوا بالصديق و ارتدوا عن الرب.
11- لان مزدري الحكمة و التاديب شقي انما
رجاؤهم باطل و اتعابهم بلا ثمرة و اعمالهم لا فائدة فيها.
12- نساوهم سفيهات و اولادهم اشرار.
13- و نسلهم ملعون اما العاقر الطاهرة التي لم تعرف المضجع الفاحش فطوبى
لها انها ستحوز ثمرتها في افتقاد النفوس.
14- و طوبى للخصي الذي لم تباشر يده ماثما و
لا افتكر قلبه بشر على الرب فانه سيعطى نعمة سامية لامانته و حظا شهيا في هيكل
15- لان ثمرة الاتعاب الصالحة فاخرة و جرثومة
الفطنة راسخة.
16- اما اولاد الزناة فلا يبلغون اشدهم و ذرية
المضجع الاثيم تنقرض.
17- ان طالت حياتهم فانهم يحسبون كلا شيء و في
اواخرهم تكون شيخوختهم بلا كرامة.
18- و ان ماتوا سريعا فلا يكون لهم رجاء و لا
عزاء في يوم الحساب.
19- لان عاقبة الجيل الاثيم هائلة