1 She prospered their works in the hands of
the holy prophet.
2 They went through wildernesses that were not
inhabited, and in desert places they pitched their tents.
3 They stood against their enemies, and
revenged themselves of their adversaries.
4 They were thirsty, and they called upon
thee, and water was given them out of the high rock, and a refreshment of
their thirst out of the hard stone.
5 For by what things their enemies were
punished, when their drink failed them, while the children of Israel abounded
therewith and rejoiced:
6 By the same things they in their need
were benefited.
7 For instead of a fountain of an ever
running river, thou gavest human blood to the
8 And whilst they were diminished for a
manifest reproof of their murdering the infants, thou gavest
to thine abundant water unlooked for:
9 Shewing by the thirst that was then, how thou
didst exalt thine, and didst kill their
10 For when they were tried, and chastised
with mercy, they knew how the wicked were judged with wrath and tormented.
11 For thou didst admonish and try them as a
father: but the others, as a severe king, thou didst examine and condemn.
12 For whether absent or present, they were
tormented alike.
13 For a double affliction came upon them, and
a groaning for the remembrance of things past.
14 For when they heard that by their
punishments the others were benefited, they remembered the Lord, wondering at
the end of what was come to pass.
15 For whom they scorned before, when he was
thrown out at the time of his being wickedly exposed to perish, him they
admired in the end, when they saw the event: their thirsting being unlike to
that of the just.
16 But for the foolish devices of their
iniquity, because some being deceived worshipped dumb serpents and worthless
beasts, thou didst send upon them a multitude of dumb beasts for vengeance.
17 That they might know that by what things a
man sinneth, by the same also he is tormented.
18 For thy almighty hand, which made the world
of matter without form, was not unable to send upon them a multitude of
bears, or fierce lions,
19 Or unknown beasts of a new kind, full of
rage: either breathing out a fiery vapour, or
sending forth a stinking smoke, or shooting horrible sparks out of their
20 Whereof not only the hurt might be able
to destroy them, but also the very sight might kill them through fear.
21 Yea and without these, they might have been
slain with one blast, persecuted by their own deeds, and scattered by the
breath of thy power: but thou hast ordered all things in measure, and number,
and weight.
22 For great power always belonged to thee
alone: and who shall resist the strength of thy arm?
23 For the whole world before thee is as the
least grain of the balance, and as a drop of the morning dew, that falleth down upon the earth:
24 But thou hast mercy upon all, because
thou canst do all things, and overlookest the sins
of men for the sake of repentance.
25 For thou lovest
all things that are, and hatest none of the things
which thou hast made: for thou didst not appoint, or make any
thing hating it.
26 And how could any thing endure, if thou
wouldst not? or be preserved, if not called by thee.
27 But thou sparest all: because they are thine, O Lord, who lovest
1- ثم سددت مساعيهم بارشاد نبي
2- فساروا في برية لا ساكن بها و
ضربوا اخبيتهم في ارض قفرة.
3- و قاوموا محاربيهم و دافعوا اعداءهم.
4- و في عطشهم دعوا اليك فاعطوا ماء من صخرة
الصوان و شفاء لغليلهم من الحجر الجلمود.
5- فكان الذي عذب به اعداؤهم اذ اعوزهم ما
يشربون و بنو اسرائيل متهللون بكثرته.
6- هو الذي احسن به اليهم في عوزهم.
7- فانك بلبلت اولئك اذ بدلتهم
بمعين النهر الدائم دما صديدا.
8- عقابا لهم على قضائهم بقتل الاطفال و هؤلاء
اعطيتهم ماء غزيرا عند الياس منه.
9- لكي تريهم بعطشهم هذا كيف
عاقبت اضدادهم.
10- فانهم بامتحانك لهم و ان كان تاديب رحمة
فهموا كيف كان عذاب المنافقين المقضي عليهم بالغضب.
11- لانك جربت هؤلاء كاب انذارا لهم و اولئك
ابتليتهم كملك قاس قضاء عليهم.
12- و قد مسهم في الغيب من الضر ما مسهم في المشهد.
13- اذ اخذهم ضعفان من الحزن و
النحيب بتذكر الضربات السالفة.
14- لانهم لما سمعوا ان ما كان
لهم عقابا صار لاعدائهم احسانا شعروا بيد الرب.
15- و الذي قضوا من قبل بطرحه في النهر و
استخفوا به و رذلوه استعظموه في اخر الامر اذا كان عطش الصديقين على خلاف عطشهم.
16- و اذ كانوا قد سفهوا في افكارهم الاثيمة و
ضلوا حتى عبدوا زحافات حقيرة و وحوشا لا نطق لها انتقمت منهم بان ارسلت عليهم
جما من الحيوانات التي لا نطق لها.
17- لكي يعلموا ان ما خطئ به احد به يعاقب.
18- و لم يكن صعبا على يدك القادرة على كل شيء
التي صنعت العالم من مادة غير مصورة ان تبعث عليهم جما من الادباب او الاسود
19- او من اصناف جديدة لم تعرف من الوحوش
الضارية التي تنفخ نارا او تبعث دخانا قاتما او ترسل من عيونها شرارا مخيفا.
20- اذا لكانت تهلكهم خوفا من منظرها فضلا عن
ان تهشمهم باصابتها.
21- بل قد كان نفس كافيا لاسقاطهم فيتعقبهم
القضاء و روح قدرتك يذريهم لكنك رتبت كل شيء بمقدار و عدد و وزن.
22- و عندك قدرة عظيمة في كل حين فمن يقاوم
قوة ذراعك.
23- ان العالم كله امامك مثل ما ترجح به كفة
الميزان و كنقطة ندى تسقط على الارض عند السحر.
24- لكنك ترحم الجميع لانك قادر
على كل شيء و تتغاضى عن خطايا الناس لكي يتوبوا.
25- لانك تحب جميع الاكوان و لا تمقت شيئا مما
صنعت فانك لو ابغضت شيئا لم تكونه.
26- و كيف يبقى شيء لم ترده ام كيف يحفظ ما
لست انت داعيا له.
27- انك تشفق على جميع الاكوان لانها لك ايها
الرب المحب النفوس