1 O how good and sweet is thy spirit, O
Lord, in all things!
2 And therefore thou chastisest
them that err, by little and little: and admonishest
them, and speakest to them, concerning the things
wherein they offend: that leaving their wickedness, they may believe in thee,
O Lord.
3 For those ancient inhabitants of thy
holy land, whom thou didst abhor,
4 Because they did works hateful to thee
by their sorceries, and wicked sacrifices,
5 And those merciless murderers of their
own children, and eaters of men's bowels, and devourers of blood from the
midst of thy consecration,
6 And those parents sacrificing with their
own hands helpless souls, it was thy will to destroy by the hands of our
7 That the land which of all is most dear
to thee might receive a worthy colony of the children of God.
8 Yet even those thou sparedst
as men, and didst send wasps, forerunners of thy host, to destroy them by
little and little.
9 Not that thou wast
unable to bring the wicked under the just by war, or by cruel beasts, or with
one rough word to destroy them at once:
10 But executing thy judgments by degrees
thou gavest them place of repentance, not being
ignorant that they were a wicked generation, and their malice natural, and
that their thought could never be changed.
11 For it was a cursed seed from the
beginning: neither didst thou for fear of any one give pardon to their sins.
12 For who shall say to thee: What hast thou
done? or who shall withstand thy judgment? or who shall come before thee to be a revenger
of wicked men? or who shall accuse thee, if the
nations perish, which thou hast made?
13 For there is no other God but thou, who
hast care of all, that thou shouldst shew that thou dost not give judgment unjustly.
14 Neither shall king, nor tyrant in thy sight
inquire about them whom thou hast destroyed.
15 For so much then as thou art just, thou orderest all things justly: thinking it not agreeable to
thy power, to condemn him who deserveth not to be
16 For thy power is the beginning of justice:
and because thou art Lord of all, thou makest
thyself gracious to all.
17 For thou shewest
thy power, when men will not believe thee to be absolute in power, and thou convincest the boldness of them that know thee not.
18 But thou being master of power, judgest with tranquillity; and
with great favour disposest
of us: for thy power is at hand when thou wilt.
19 But thou hast taught thy people by such
works, that they must be just and humane, and hast made thy children to be of
a good hope: because in judging thou givest place
for repentance for sins.
20 For if thou didst punish the enemies of
thy servants, and that deserved to die, with so great deliberation, giving
them time and place whereby they might be changed from their wickedness:
21 With what circumspection hast thou
judged thy own children, to whose parents thou hast sworn and made covenants
of good promises?
22 Therefore whereas thou chastisest
us, thou scourgest our enemies very many ways, to
the end that when we judge we may think on thy goodness: and when we are
judged, we may hope for thy mercy.
23 Wherefore thou hast also greatly tormented them
who in their life have lived foolishly and unjustly, by the same things which
they worshipped.
24 For they went astray for a long time in the
ways of error, holding those things for gods which are the most worthless
among beasts, living after the manner of children without understanding.
25 Therefore thou hast sent a judgment upon them as
senseless children to mock them.
26 But they that were not amended by mockeries
and reprehensions, experienced the worthy judgment of God.
27 For seeing with indignation that they
suffered by those very things which they took for gods, when they were
destroyed by the same, they acknowledged him the true God, whom in time past
they denied that they knew: for which cause the end also of their
condemnation came upon them.
1- ان في كل شيء روحك الذي لا
فساد فيه.
2- فبه توبخ الخطاة شيئا فشيئا و
فيما يخطاون به تذكرهم و تنذرهم لكي يقلعوا عن الشر و يؤمنوا بك ايها الرب.
3- فانك ابغضت الذين كانوا قديما سكان ارضك
4- لاجل اعمالهم الممقوتة لديك من السحر و
ذبائح الفجور.
5- اذ كانوا يقتلون اولادهم بغير رحمة و
ياكلون احشاء الناس و يشربون دماءهم في شعائر عبادتك.
6- فاثرت ان تهلك بايدي ابائنا اولئك الوالدين
قتلة النفوس التي لا نصرة لها.
7- لكي تكون الارض التي هي اكرم عندك من كل
ارض عامرة بابناء الله كما يليق بها.
8- على انك اشفقت على اولئك ايضا لانهم بشر
فبعثت بالزنابير تتقدم عسكرك و تبيدهم شيئا بعد شيء.
9- لا لانك عجزت عن اخضاع المنافقين للصديقين
بالقتال او تدميرهم بمرة بالوحوش الضارية او بامر جازم من عندك.
10- لكن بعقابهم شيئا فشيئا منحتهم مهلة
للتوبة و ان لم يخف عليك ان جيلهم شرير و ان خبثهم غريزي و افكارهم لا تتغير الى
11- لانهم كانوا ذرية ملعونة منذ البدء و لم
يكن عفوك عن خطاياهم خوفا من احد.
12- فانه من يقول ماذا صنعت او يعترض قضاءك و
من يشكوك بهلاك الامم التي خلقتها او يقف بين يديك مخاصما عن اناس مجرمين.
13- اذ ليس اله الا انت المعتني بالجميع حتى
تري انك لا تقضي قضاء الظلم.
14- و ليس لملك او سلطان ان يطالبك بالذين
15- و اذ انت عادل تدبر الجميع بالعدل و تحسب
القضاء على من لا يستوجب العقاب منافيا لقدرتك.
16- لان قوتك هي مبدا عدلك و بما انك رب
الجميع فانت تشفق على الجميع.
17- و انما تبدي قوتك للذين لا يؤمنون انك على
كمال القدرة و تعاقب العلماء على جسارتهم.
18- لكنك ايها السلطان القدير تحكم بالرفق و
تدبرنا باشفاق كثير لان في يدك ان تعمل بقدرة متى شئت.
19- فعلمت شعبك باعمالك هذه ان الصديق ينبغي
ان يكون محبا للناس و جعلت لبنيك رجاء حسنا لانك تمنحهم في خطاياهم مهلة للتوبة.
20- لانك ان كنت عاقبت اعداء بنيك المستوجبين
للموت بمثل هذا التحرز و الترفق و جعلت لهم زمانا و مكانا للاقلاع عن الشر.
21- فباي اعتناء دبرت بنيك الذين واثقت اباءهم
بالاقسام و العهود على مواعيدك الصالحة.
22- فتؤدبنا نحن و تجلد اعداءنا جلدا كثيرا
لكي نتذكر حلمك اذا حكمنا و ننتظر رحمتك اذا حكم علينا.
23- لاجل ذلك فالمنافقون الذين عاشوا بالسفه
عذبتهم بارجاسهم عينها.
24- فانهم في ضلالهم تجاوزوا طرق الضلال اذ
اتخذوا ما يستحقره اعداؤهم من الحيوان الهة مغترين كاطفال لا يفقهون.
25- لذلك بعثت عليهم عقاب اولاد لا عقل لهم
26- و لما لم يتعظوا بتاديب السخرية ذاقوا
العقاب اللائق بالله.
27- و فيما تحملوه بغيظهم و قد راوا ان ما
اتخذوه الها كانوا به يعذبون عرفوا الاله الحق الذي كانوا يكفرون به و لذلك حلت
بهم خاتمة العقاب