1 And Jonathan saw that the time served him,
and he chose certain men and sent them to Rome, to confirm and to renew the
amity with them:
2 And he sent letters to the Spartans, and
to other places according to the same form.
3 And they went to Rome, and entered into the
senate house, and said: Jonathan the high priest, and the nation of the Jews
have sent us to renew the amity, and alliance as it was before.
4 And they gave them letters to their
governors in every place, to conduct them into the land of Juda with peace.
5 And this is a copy of the letters which
Jonathan wrote to the Spartans:
6 Jonathan the high priest, and the
ancients of the nation, and the priests, and the rest of the people of the
Jews, to the Spartans, their brethren, greeting.
7 There were letters sent long ago to Onias the high priest from Arius who reigned then among
you, to signify that you are our brethren, as the copy here underwritten doth
8 And Onias
received the ambassador with honour: and received
the letters wherein there was mention made of the alliance, and amity.
9 We, though we needed none of these
things, having for our comfort the holy books that are in our hands,
10 Chose rather to send to you to renew the
brotherhood and friendship, lest we should become strangers to you
altogether: for there is a long time passed since you sent to us.
11 We therefore at all times without
ceasing, both in our festivals, and other days, wherein it is convenient,
remember you in the sacrifices that we offer, and in our observances, as it
is meet, and becoming to remember brethren.
12 And we rejoice at your glory.
13 But we have had many troubles and wars on
every side, and the kings that are round about us, have fought against us.
14 But we would not be troublesome to you, nor
the rest of our allies and friends in these wars.
15 For we have had help from heaven, and we
have been delivered, and our enemies are humbled.
16 We have chosen therefore Numenius the son of Antiochus, and Antipater the son of
Jason, and have sent them to the Romans to renew with them the former amity
and alliance.
17 And we have commanded them to go also to
you, and to salute you, and to deliver you our letters, concerning the
renewing of our brotherhood.
18 And now you shall do well to give us an
answer hereto.
19 And this is the copy of the letter which he
had sent to Onias:
20 Arius king of the Spartans to Onias the high priest, greeting.
21 It is found in writing concerning the
Spartans, and the Jews, that they are brethren, and that they are of the
stock of Abraham.
22 And now since this is come to our
knowledge, you do well to write to us of your prosperity.
23 And we also have written back to you: That
our cattle, and our possessions are yours: and yours, ours. We therefore have
commanded that these things should be told you.
24 Now Jonathan heard that the generals of
Demetrius were come again with a greater army than before to fight against
25 So he went out from Jerusalem, and met
them in the land of Amath: for he gave them no time
to enter into his country.
26 And he sent spies into their camp, and they
came back and brought him word that they designed to come upon them in the
27 And when the sun was set, Jonathan
commanded his men to watch, and to be in arms all night long ready to fight,
and he set sentinels round about the camp.
28 And the enemies heard that Jonathan and his
men were ready for battle, and they were struck with fear, and dread in their
heart: and they kindled fires in their camp.
29 But Jonathan and they that were with him
knew it not till the morning: for they saw the lights burning.
30 And Jonathan pursued after them, but
overtook them not: for they had passed the river Eleutherus.
31 And Jonathan turned upon the Arabians that
are called Zabadeans: and he defeated them, and
took the spoils of them.
32 And he went forward, and came to Damascus,
and passed through all that country.
33 Simon also went forth, and came as far as Ascalon, and the neighbouring
fortresses, and he turned aside to Joppe, and took
possession of it,
34 (For he heard that they designed to deliver
the hold to them that took part with Demetrius,) and he put a garrison there
to keep it.
35 And Jonathan came back, and called together
the ancients of the people, and he took a resolution with them to build
fortresses in Judea,
36 And to build up walls in Jerusalem, and
raise a mount between the castle and the city, to separate it from the city,
that so it might have no communication, and that they might neither buy nor
37 And they came together to build up the
city: for the wall that was upon the brook towards the east was broken down,
and he repaired that which is called Caphetetha:
38 And Simon built Adiada
in Sephela, and fortified it, and set up gates and
39 Now when Tryphon
had conceived a design to make himself king of Asia, and to take the crown,
and to stretch out his hand against king Antiochus:
40 Fearing lest Jonathan would not suffer
him, but would fight against him: he sought to seize upon him, and to kill
him. So he rose up and came to Bethsan.
41 And Jonathan went out to meet him with
forty thousand men chosen for battle, and came to Bethsan.
42 Now when Tryphon
saw that Jonathan came with a great army, he durst not stretch forth his hand
against him,
43 But received him with honour, and commended him to all his friends, and gave
him presents: and he commanded his troops to obey him, as himself.
44 And he said to Jonathan: Why hast thou
troubled all the people, whereas we have no war?
45 Now therefore send them back to their own
houses: and choose thee a few men that may be with thee, and come with me to Ptolemais, and I will deliver it to thee, and the rest of
the strong holds, and the army, and all that have any charge, and I will
return and go away: for this is the cause of my coming.
46 And Jonathan believed him, and did as he
said: and sent away his army, and they departed into the land of Juda:
47 But he kept with him three thousand men:
of whom he sent two thousand into Galilee, and one thousand went with him.
48 Now as soon as Jonathan entered into Ptolemais, they of Ptolemais
shut the gates of the city, and took him: and all them that came in with him
they slew with the sword.
49 Then Tryphon sent
an army and horsemen into Galilee, and into the great plain to destroy all
Jonathan's company.
50 But they, when they understood that
Jonathan and all that were with him were taken and slain, encouraged one
another, and went out ready for battle.
51 Then they that had come after them, seeing
that they stood for their lives, returned back.
52 Whereupon they all came peaceably into the land
of Juda. And they bewailed Jonathan, and them that
had been with him, exceedingly: and Israel mourned with great lamentation.
53 Then all the heathens that were round about
them, sought to destroy them. For they said:
54 They have no prince, nor any to help them:
now therefore let us make war upon them, and take away the memory of them
from amongst mem.
1- و راى يوناتان ان له فرصة
ملائمة فاختار رجالا و سيرهم الى رومية ليقروا الموالاة بينهم و يجددوها.
2- و ارسل معهم الى اسبرطة و
اماكن اخرى كتبا في هذا المعنى.
3- فانطلقوا الى رومية و دخلوا
الشورى و قالوا انا مرسلون من قبل يوناتان الكاهن الاعظم و امة اليهود لنجدد ما
بينكم و بينهم من الموالاة و المناصرة كما كان من قبل.
4- فاعطوهم كتبا للعمال في
الاقاليم حتى يبلغوهم ارض يهوذا بسلام.
5- و هذه نسخة الكتب التي كتبها
يوناتان الى اهل اسبرطة.
6- من يوناتان الكاهن الاعظم و
شيوخ الامة و من الكهنة و سائر شعب اليهود الى اهل اسبرطة اخوتهم سلام.
7- ان اريوس المالك فيكم كان
قديما قد انفذ كتبا الى اونيا الكاهن الاعظم يشهد انكم اخوتنا على ما هو في
8- فتلقى اونيا الرسول باكرام و
اخذ الكتب المصرح فيها بالمناصرة و الموالاة.
9- فنحن و ان لم تكن بنا حاجة
الى ذلك بما لنا من التعزية في الاسفار المقدسة التي في ايدينا.
10- قد اثرنا مراسلتكم لنجدد
الاخاء و الموالاة لئلا نعد من الاجانب عندكم اذ قد مضى على مكاتبتكم لنا زمان
11- و انا في كل حين في الاعياد و سائر الايام
المفروضة لا نزال نذكركم في الذبائح التي نقدمها و في الصلوات كما ينبغي و يليق
ان يذكر الاخوة.
12- و يسرنا ما انتم عليه من
13- اما نحن فقد احاطت بنا مضايق
كثيرة و حروب عديدة و قاتلنا الملوك الذين من حولنا.
14- لكنا كرهنا ان نثقل عليكم و
على سائر مناصرينا و اوليائنا في تلك الحروب.
15- فان لنا من السماء مددا
يمدنا و قد تخلصنا من اعدائنا و اذللناهم.
16- و الان فقد اخترنا نومانيوس
بن انطيوكس و انتيباتير بن ياسون و ارسلناهما الى الرومانيين لنجدد ما كان بيننا
قبلا من الموالاة و المناصرة.
17- و امرناهما بان يقدما اليكم
و يقرئاكم السلام و يسلما اليكم الكتب من قبلنا في تجديد اخائنا.
18- و لكم جميل الصنع ان اجبتمونا الى ذلك.
19- و هذه نسخة الكتب التي ارسلها الى اونيا.
20- من اريوس ملك الاسبرطيين الى
اونيا الكاهن الاعظم سلام.
21- و بعد فقد وجد في بعض الكتب
ان الاسبرطيين و اليهود اخوة من نسل ابراهيم.
22- و اذ قد علمنا ذلك فلكم جميل
الصنع ان راسلتمونا فيما انتم عليه من السلام.
23- و الان فان جوابنا اليكم ان
مواشيكم و املاككم هي لنا و ان ما لنا هو لكم هذا ما اوصينا بان تبلغوه.
24- و بلغ يوناتان ان قواد
ديمتريوس قد عادوا لمحاربته بجيش يزيد على جيشه الاول.
25- فخرج من اورشليم و وافاهم في
ارض حماة و لم يمهلهم ان يطاوا ارضه.
26- ثم ارسل جواسيس الى محلتهم
فرجعوا و اخبروه انهم مزمعون ان يهجموا عليهم في الليل.
27- فلما غربت الشمس امر يوناتان
الذين معه بان يسهروا تحت السلاح الليل كله استعدادا للقتال و فرق الحرس حول
28- و سمع العدو بان يوناتان و
الذين معه متاهبون للقتال فداخل قلوبهم الرعب و الرعدة فاضرموا النيران في
محلتهم و هربوا.
29- الا ان يوناتان و الذين معه
لم يعلموا بما كان الا عند الصبح لانهم كانوا يرون ضوء النيران.
30- فتعقبهم يوناتان فلم يدركهم
لانهم كانوا قد قطعوا نهر الوطارس.
31- فارتد يوناتان الى العرب
المسمين بالزبديين و ضربهم و سلب غنائمهم.
32- ثم ارتحل و اتى دمشق و جال
في البلاد كلها.
33- و اما سمعان فخرج و بلغ الى
اشقلون و الحصون التي بالقرب منها ثم ارتد الى يافا و استحوذ عليها.
34- لانه سمع انهم يريدون ان
يسلموا الحصن الى احزاب ديمتريوس و اقام هناك حرسا يحافظون على المدينة.
35- ثم رجع يوناتان و جمع شيوخ الشعب و اتمر
معهم ان يبني حصونا في اليهودية.
36- و يرفع اسوار اورشليم و يشيد
حائطا عاليا بين القلعة و المدينة ليفصلها عن المدينة و تبقى على حدتها حتى لا
يشتروا و يبيعوا.
37- فاتفقوا على ان يبنوا المدينة و تقدم
اليهم ان يبنوا سور الوادي شرقا و رمموا السور المسمى كافيناطا.
38- و ابتنى سمعان حاديد في
السهل و حصنها بالابواب و المزاليج.
39- و حاول تريفون ان يملك على اسية و يلبس التاج و
يلقي يده على انطيوكس الملك.
40- لكنه خشي من يوناتان ان يمنعه و يحاربه
فطلب سبيلا لان يقبض على يوناتان و يهلكه فسار و اتى الى بيت شان.
41- فخرج يوناتان لملتقاه في
اربعين الف رجل منتخبين للقتال و اتى الى بيت شان.
42- فلما راى تريقون ان يوناتان
قد اقبل في جيش كثيف لم يجسر ان يمد يده اليه.
43- فتلقاه باكرام و اوصى به
جميع اصحابه و اهدى اليه هدايا و امر جيوشه بان يطيعوه طاعتهم لنفسه.
44- و قال ليوناتان لم ثقلت على
هؤلاء الشعب كلهم و ليس بيننا حرب.
45- اطلقهم الى بيوتهم و انتخب
لك نفرا قليلا يكونون معك و هلم معي الى بطلمايس فاسلمها اليك هي و سائر الحصون
و من بقي من الجيوش و جميع المقلدين على الامور ثم انصرف راجعا فاني لهذا جئت.
46- فصدقه و فعل كما قال و
اطلق الجيوش فانصرفوا الى ارض يهوذا.
47- و استبقى لنفسه ثلاثة الاف
رجل ترك الفين منهم في الجليل و صحبه الف.
48- فلما دخل يوناتان بطلمايس
اغلق اهل بطلمايس الابواب و قبضوا عليه و قتلوا جميع الذين دخلوا معه بالسيف.
49- و ارسل تريفون جيشا و فرسانا
الى الجليل و الصحراء الواسعة لاهلاك جميع رجال يوناتان.
50- لكنهم لما علموا ان يوناتان
و الذين معه قد قبض عليهم و هلكوا شجعوا انفسهم و تقدموا و هم متضامون متاهبون
51- و اذ راى طالبوهم انهم
مستبسلون رجعوا عنهم.
52- فوفدوا جميعهم بالسلام الى
ارض يهوذا و ناحوا على يوناتان و الذين معه و اشتد خوفهم و كانت عند جميع
اسرائيل مناحة عظيمة.
53- و طلب كل الامم الذين حولهم
ان يدمروهم لانهم قالوا.
54- انهم لا رئيس لهم و لا ناصر
فلنقاتلهم و لنمح ذكرهم من البشر